How to Grow Your Company Culture with a Remote Workforce

How to Grow Your Company Culture with a Remote Workforce

Company CultureHow to Grow Your Company Culture
with a Remote Workforce

Having a strong company culture has lots of benefits, such as improving productivity, increasing employee satisfaction, and driving business goals. Maintaining a positive company culture can be challenging for any business, especially those that work with remote teams.

Luckily, there are strategies you can use to strengthen your company culture even if you have a remote workforce.

Start with Clear Values to Grow Company Culture

Outlining clear company values is a key aspect of growing your company culture whether your employees work in an office or remotely. If you haven’t already, create a clear mission, goals, and values for your business and publish them on your website. Make sure your values are discussed during the hiring process and new employee onboarding, no matter if these meetings are conducted remotely or not.

You can also make a vested effort in highlighting your company values in everyday business life. For example, send out a company-wide email when individual employees or teams do an exceptional job of integrating company values into the work they do.

Encourage Open Discussion

When collaborating in a remote work environment, often a few voices will dominate communications while others stay quiet in the background. The best way to avoid this issue is by making everyone feel comfortable on business communication channels. Encourage everyone to keep their video and microphones on and join in the conversation with their ideas.

Team leaders should also reach out to different participants to get their opinions and input. For meetings that include hundreds of people, you can get input through touch-tone Q&A or polling.

Outline What Communication Tools to Use

Building a united company culture is easier when everyone uses the same communication tools for the same purposes. Encourage this by creating guidelines for which communication tools to use. For example, everyone can use your cloud storage system for file sharing and a specific tool for group messaging.

The most important thing to determine is what technology you’ll use for video and audio communication. Connex Intl allows users to share screens and access an audio archive of past discussions. Ensuring all virtual meetings occur using this tool encourages better remote collaboration and makes it easy to revisit key meeting points after they’re over.

Schedule Regular Face Time

Teams can get a lot done with messaging and audio communication, but scheduling regular face time is a healthy way to grow your company culture. Consider having a video meeting on Mondays so your team members can get prepared for the week ahead. If some of your remote team live locally, you could also have occasional summit meetings at your office.

Create New Ways to Build Team Identity

Without encouragement, most employees will minimize communication to messaging and email by default. It’s worthwhile to have some regular tasks that are always done on an audio or video call. This helps ensure team identities can grow in the long run.

For example, always conduct your department meetings using video chat, or ask individual teams to have their own bi-weekly progress discussions via audio call. Set up a video meeting every time you hire a new employee to introduce them and help with onboarding. You can also encourage individual team members to set up their own one-on-one meetings for different tasks, so they can discuss progress face-to-face and share screens to collaborate.

Grow Your Company Culture Anywhere

Having a remote workforce offers numerous benefits to businesses and employees alike. But if you want to get the most out of this work setup, you need to make a special effort to build relationships and teams with positive company culture. Using the right strategies and communication technologies, your remote workforce can be united in pursuing your company’s vision and goals.

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