How to Impress Your Boss During Your Next Virtual Event

How to Impress Your Boss During Your Next Virtual Event

How to Impress Your Boss During Your Next Virtual Event

Have you ever wanted to impress your leadership during a high-stakes presentation? Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to make a lasting impression on your boss during your next virtual meeting with these expert tips and tricks from Connex’s A-Team virtual event experts.

1. Maximize the Use of Operator Assisted Calls

When assisting your boss with hosting a virtual event, one of the best ways to impress them is by utilizing an Operator Assisted call. An Operator Assisted call is a virtual event in which a meeting expert manages the call on your behalf. When you team up with a virtual meeting vendor for an Operator Assisted call, the operator will introduce the speakers with a customized script. This ensures that the event starts off smoothly and professionally. The operator will provide a seamless introduction, setting the tone for the rest of the meeting and impressing your boss with your attention to detail.

Another benefit of using an operator assisted call is that it allows for a more professional and polished presentation. The virtual meeting expert will handle any technical issues that may arise, such as audio or video glitches, ensuring that the event runs effortlessly and without any interruptions. This will not only impress your boss, but also leave a positive impression on all the participants.

2. Participate in Dry-Run for a Smooth Event

To impress your boss during a virtual meeting, it is essential to participate in a dry-run with your virtual event vendor. This practice session allows you to familiarize yourself with the platform and understand how the event will flow. By going through the dry-run, you can identify any potential issues or challenges and address them beforehand, ensuring a successful event. Similarly, a dry-run allows you to confirm pronunciations of names and companies and to specify job titles with the coordinator.

During the dry-run, pay close attention to the technical aspects of the virtual meeting, such as audio and video quality, screen sharing, and interactive features. Take note of any instructions or guidelines provided by the virtual event vendor and make sure to follow them during the actual meeting. By demonstrating your preparedness and knowledge of the platform, you will undoubtedly make a positive impress your superiors.

3. Craft a Thoughtful Agenda

Impress your boss by creating a thoughtful agenda for the virtual meeting. A well-structured agenda not only keeps the meeting organized and on track, but also allows time for questions and feedback at the end of the event. Start by outlining the main topics or objectives of the meeting, and then break them down into specific discussion points.

When crafting the agenda, consider the time allotted for each agenda item and ensure that it allows for meaningful discussion and interaction. Include clear instructions or prompts for participants to engage in the conversation and share their thoughts or ideas. By creating a thoughtful agenda that encourages active participation, you will impress your boss with your ability to facilitate a productive and engaging virtual meeting.

Bonus tip: when you use an Operator Assisted call, your virtual meeting expert can also help keep you on track.

4. Engage Actively During the Meeting

During the virtual meeting, it is crucial to actively engage and participate. Show your boss that you are fully invested in the event by actively listening, taking notes, and asking thoughtful questions. By demonstrating your interest and engagement, you will impress your boss with your professionalism and commitment.

Additionally, make use of the interactive features available in the virtual meeting platform. Participate in polls, chat discussions, or breakout sessions to actively contribute to the conversation and encourage participation from others. By actively engaging during the meeting, you not only impress your boss but also help create a dynamic and inclusive virtual environment.

If you’re ready to impress your leadership for your next high-stakes virtual event like an earnings call, townhall, product launch, and more, give Connex a call today and let us help you WOW your boss.